Non-alcoholic Drink Beach BARBICAN 330ml
Combining the best quality and taste, Barbican brings you the finest malt refreshment you have ever tasted. Meticulously crafted with the highest quality ingredients only, Barbican Pomegranate will delight you with its bold fruit aroma and deliciously crisp pomegranate flavour brewed into each and every drop of this exquisite beverage. Delicately sparkling and refreshing, Barbican Pomegranate is the best and most flavoursome solution to quench your thirst after a hard workout or a tiring day. Also, it proves perfect for many social occasions and celebrations - whether you want to spend some quality time with your friends, watch a movie or enjoy a game on TV. Paired with your favourite snack, Barbican can make a good time even better. Plus, it is alcohol-free so everyone can enjoy it. Relax and have a sip of the very best Barbican Pomegranate! Delicious and wonderfully refreshing malt beverage Infused with pomegranate Crisp and clean in flavour Crafted with the finest ingredients Carbonated Alcohol-free Available in a range of tasty flavours, from tangy Lemon to fruity Raspberry, in bottles and cans
Ingredients: Malt, Hops, Sugar, Water, Citric Acid, Nature Identical Pomegranate Flavour, Colour Caramel, Quilaia, Ascorbic Acid
Origin: United Arab Emirates